Woodrow Obas

Woodrow Obas

Wannabe zombie lover. Avid bacon lover. Incurable food buff. Extreme travel advocate. Incurable beer aficionado. General internet enthusiast.

44 Author´s Posts
Do you have to declare gold on taxes?

Do you have to declare gold on taxes?

Yes, you should generally report gold transactions to the IRS. However, tax obligations on the sale of precious metals...

Who created the confiscation of gold?

Who created the confiscation of gold?

Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 (read the full order here) in 1933, which prohibited the accumulation of gold...

What appliances have most copper?

What appliances have most copper?

Refrigerators, stoves and air conditioners, in particular, are excellent sources of copper because they require a larger...

Is there an income phaseout for traditional ira?

Is there an income phaseout for traditional ira?

The IRS doesn't limit the amount you can invest in a traditional IRA or a Gold Investment Account based on how much you...

Is gold more rare than platinum?

Is gold more rare than platinum?

Compared to gold, platinum has earned its reputation for several reasons. For starters, gold is much more abundant in the ...

What is a 4975 a tax?

What is a 4975 a tax?

Section 4975 (a) imposes a 15% special tax (the first-level special tax) on a Gold Investment Account. In addition, §...

Why is platinum rising?

Why is platinum rising?

However, the tightening of emissions legislation means that platinum charges on catalytic converters are increasing. With ...

What is considered a traditional ira?

What is considered a traditional ira?

A traditional IRA is an individual retirement account that you can contribute money to before or after taxes, giving you...

What is the capital gains tax on silver coins?

What is the capital gains tax on silver coins?

Collectibles, such as works of art, antiques and coins, have a maximum federal tax rate of 28% on long-term capital...

Is 401k non ira?

Is 401k non ira?

While both plans provide income during retirement, each plan is administered according to different rules. A 401K is a...

How do you know if i can contribute to traditional ira?

How do you know if i can contribute to traditional ira?

Earned income is a requirement to contribute to a traditional IRA, and your annual contributions to an IRA cannot exceed...

Why investing in gold is not a good idea?

Why investing in gold is not a good idea?

Yields on physical gold tend to be low. If you buy gold jewelry, for example, you may not earn as much as what you paid...

Can i contribute to a traditional ira no matter how much i make?

Can i contribute to a traditional ira no matter how much i make?

You can contribute to a traditional IRA regardless of the amount of money you earn. However, you don't qualify to open or ...

Do you have to pay taxes if you sell something?

Do you have to pay taxes if you sell something?

Whether you sell items only online or not, the IRS and most states consider any income you earn from these sales to be...

Gold Investment Account

Gold Investment Account

This page was created to provide more information on the best "Gold Investment Account" and the best companies offering...

Where can i find the most copper?

Where can i find the most copper?

The largest copper mine is located in Utah (Bingham Canyon). Other important mines are located in Arizona, Michigan, New...

Do you have to pay taxes when you sell silver coins?

Do you have to pay taxes when you sell silver coins?

As mentioned earlier, the sale of precious metal coins, cartridges and ingots can serve as an additional source of income ...

Investing in Your Retirement with Gold IRA Rollovers: A Guide to Opening a Self-Directed Investment Account

Investing in Your Retirement with Gold IRA Rollovers: A Guide to Opening a Self-Directed Investment Account

Gold IRA Rollovers: How to Open a Gold Investment Account for Your RetirementThe investment in gold is a...

Are silver purchases reported to the government?

Are silver purchases reported to the government?

For individuals, sales of physical silver or gold are reported in Schedule D as an attachment to Form 1040. Taxes are not ...

Is a niece a disqualified person?

Is a niece a disqualified person?

Therefore, the prohibited transaction rules offer the greatest restriction on the use of self-directed IRA funds and must ...

How do i avoid capital gains tax when selling silver?

How do i avoid capital gains tax when selling silver?

Capital Gains Tax Silver that has gained value should only be reported if you sold it. So, if the silver you've already...

How much silver can you buy at once?

How much silver can you buy at once?

If you want to invest in precious metals, but you don't have much money to buy gold coins, platinum coins or other types...

What is disqualified financial contribution?

What is disqualified financial contribution?

When a plan is disqualified, the employee must immediately pay taxes on contributions to the extent that those...

Is there a limit to how much gold you can have?

Is there a limit to how much gold you can have?

Fortunately, there is no limit to the amount of gold bars a person can acquire and own. There are no laws prohibiting...

What does dave ramsey recommend you invest in?

What does dave ramsey recommend you invest in?

Invest 15% of your income in tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as a Gold Investment Account. Invest in good-growth ...

Does fidelity have gold investments?

Does fidelity have gold investments?

Fidelity offers investors the opportunity to purchase precious metals1 as part of a diversification strategy. Fidelity...

Can you sell silver privately?

Can you sell silver privately?

You can sell your silver bars to a private buyer online or take them to a rare coin store and sell them there. You can...

Which etfs are best to invest in?

Which etfs are best to invest in?

Invesco GARP S&P 500 ETF · S&P 500 · Consumer Staples Select. First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Green Energy Index.

Can a company revoke your 401k?

Can a company revoke your 401k?

Your employer can withdraw money from your 401 (k) plan after you leave the company, but only under certain...

What does qpam mean?

What does qpam mean?

For decades, investment advisors and other financial institutions that qualify to be a “qualified professional asset...

Can anyone open a traditional ira?

Can anyone open a traditional ira?

It depends on what type of IRA it is. Just about anyone can contribute to a traditional IRA, as well as a Gold Investment ...

Why warren buffett doesn't invest in gold?

Why warren buffett doesn't invest in gold?

Before we dive deeper into why Warren Buffett doesn't invest in gold, it's important to analyze how Buffett thinks about...

How does a 401k plan become disqualified?

How does a 401k plan become disqualified?

Don't limit employee contributions to the amounts allowed by tax law for the calendar year. When the IRS disqualifies a...

Is there a phase out for traditional ira?

Is there a phase out for traditional ira?

The IRS doesn't limit the amount you can invest in a traditional IRA or a Gold Investment Account based on how much you...

Is gold regulated by the government?

Is gold regulated by the government?

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 required that the Federal Reserve System transfer ownership of all of its gold to the...

What is the most successful etf?

What is the most successful etf?

Stock ETFs · Bond ETFs · Commodity ETFs · Real Estate ETFs · Gold Investment Accounts. For example, ETFs focused on...

Who can make a fully deduction contribution to a traditional ira?

Who can make a fully deduction contribution to a traditional ira?

A single filer who doesn't have an employer-sponsored retirement plan can deduct the full amount of a contribution to a...

Is an ira subject to section 4975?

Is an ira subject to section 4975?

Some of the most important requirements are found in section 4975 of the Internal Revenue Code, which states that the IRA ...